I worked with the small staff of the Texas Music Festival to redesign this website and it launched in October 2009, a year before our college would launch its first website in the new HannonHill Cascade CMS purchased by the university.

It was designed to look very similar to websites that the University-level web team were creating in the CMS prior to the college’s immersion in the system.
It utilizes a template that our team in the CLASS Office of Educational Technology created to tide the college over until we could begin designing sites in the CMS.
One interesting aspect about the TMF website is that it has at least three specific audiences: First and foremost are the students, most of which will attend the orchestral summer camp and use the website to discover more information about it and meet the requirements for admission. Students who don’t wish to participate in the orchestra camp can participate in TMF Institutes that focus on four distinct areas of music instruction.
These two audiences are addressed through the gray navigation menu which I designed that is under the site’s main left navigation scheme.
The other major audience is the general public, namely those who attend the festival’s various concerts and events.
One of the most popular pages of the website is the season schedule page, which is updated frequently throughout the year as information becomes available.

Another important audience for the website is the media partners that help get the word out.
Since the website launched, the TMF staff have reported that admission applications have significantly increased and that major festival events have sold out.
I believe this has a lot to do with the website, and also the efforts TMF staff members have invested in marketing and advertising the website, with the help of freelance marketing experts who are establishing a name for the festival in the local arts community.