On Saturday, I went to The Home Depot and Enchanted Forest to pick up some plants to put in the spots in the bed extension that were bare, thanks to the failure of some transplants I tried to install right before the 90-degree early May we’ve just experienced.
It’s freakin’ hot here! But, not so much this week. Pretty windy this week, and I had to do some staking, but that’s another topic.
Without further ado, the new arrivals:
This is a Platycodon-Sentimental Blue, that I picked up for less than $2 at Enchanted Forest. It's also known as a "balloon flower." I put it in the middle of my established original bed.Here's how I filled in the extended bed where some zinnias and all of the jalapeno transplants I attempted failed. From back to front, from left to right, we've got a cayenne pepper, "long and thin" I think it's called; a Tabasco pepper plant, a pickling cucumber that needs a trellis, a couple of crook-neck squash and a sweet banana pepper plant. The sweet banana pepper plant. Got this one from Home Depot, and it was more expensive than the other plants I got from Enchanted Forest. The two crook-neck squash plants. Yum.Hot Tabasco pepper plant. The pickling cucumber plant. Wish I knew exactly what kind it is ... oh, yeah, I do, it was the cheap kind!Cayenne Long Slim plant. "New Look Pink" Pentas, with a "Butterfly Red" Penta in the middle. These are two evolvulus nuttallianus, otherwise known as "Blue Daze." They're related to Morning Glories, and they're right in front of Kim's Morning Glory trellis, and their flowers also only open during the first part of the day before it gets too hot.