Category: Art
Someone please cut the lights
New beginning
Bring it on

I tried to take photos of the Kovars’ dog, Sadie, on Christmas Eve, but she wouldn’t sit still or my flash wouldn’t fire on my phone, or any other number of excuses for the quality of this photograph.
So, I took the photo, imported it into Sketchbook Mobile for Android, and boom!: I had something to do while I waited for the Mazda to get an oil change and a new motor mount this morning. Uh. I guess that’s what was causing the rattling noise that shook the whole dashboard and sometimes caused the CD player to skip. Who knew? I hate cars.
More rain and a sunset
Every day is yours to win
Blog post title inspired by R.E.M. song of the same name. Speaking of R.E.M., the decided to call it a day on Sept. 21, when I had this conversation on Facebook.