Our wedding program

I have finished the design for the wedding program! Our wedding program. The one I insisted on designing and getting printed myself.

We used the font Brioso Pro throughout the program.

Main wedding program graphic
Here's the main graphic for the cover of the wedding program that I designed.
Interlocking name
Here's the graphic I created for our name. Note the interlocking ampersand.
Wedding program
Here's the front and back covers of the wedding program.

Here is the PDF of the wedding program I designed for our wedding.


E-Soc newsletter is printed

This is the second E-SOC newsletter that I have designed for the Department of Sociology in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Houston.

E-SOC newsletter
E-Soc newsletter for Fall 2009

The design is based on an InDesign template that I modified for the needs of the Sociology Department.

I was responsible for laying out the content and completing the pre-press work on the newsletter and its photographs. I also suggested how to reduce the content to fit the two-page design.

Event flyers designed for Center for Immigration Research

I designed this flyer for the Center for Immigration Research, to promote an event involving two visiting professors.

Are immigrants good Americans?
An event flyer for the Center for Immigration Research.

I worked with the visitors and staff from their universities to acquire images that I could use in the flyer.

Then, in November 2010, another visitor came and I designed a similar flyer to promote the event.

Enemy Women (And Men)
Another event flyer for the Center for Immigration Research.