Office of Educational Technology site launches

Today, the new CLASS Office of Educational Technology website launched in the UH content management system. The website combines content from three previous websites, representing the three different teams within the Office of Educational Technology.

Previously, I redesigned the website for my team, CLASS Web Services, on Aug. 12, 2009. Back then, I created a page where we showcase the websites we’ve launched since our team became a part of the CLASS Office of Educational Technology.

Launched sites
This is the Launched Sites page of the CWS section of the new OET website, which I designed to showcase website projects the office has launched for the college.

When we started redesigning websites for the college, we didn’t have a standard template. The previous CWS website was the first website to launch in our then-new PHP-based template that we created collaboratively. We used this template for a little more than a year until the website for the college became the first website we launched in the HannonHill Cascade CMS used by the university.

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