More than 20,000 photos and 700 posts

Today, I counted my 20,000 photo uploaded to Google Picasa Web Albums (OK, Google+ Photos, or whatever Google is calling it these days).


postsAlso, I have created more than 700 posts on this WordPress-powered website. Not bad for a site I started a little more than six years ago. (Previously, I had a static HTML-powered website for about eleven years).

Bob Schneider at House of Blues

I won some free tickets to see Bob Schneider at the House of Blues and Kim and I enjoyed ourselves on a Friday night with thanks to some babysitters.

He played some of the better tracks from his new record Burden of Proof (“Wish the Wind Would Blow Me,” “The Effect” “Best Day Ever” and of course the rocking “Unpromised Land”) but he also played songs I don’t think he has recorded yet. As he always does.

Those songs were rockers, so I’m excited to hear what the 48-year-old indie artist comes out with next … whenever that is.

Here are some photos.




More of an American

“I love my country very dearly, and I greatly resent this implication that some of the places that I have sung and some of the people that I have known, and some of my opinions, whether they are religious or philosophical, or I might be a vegetarian, make me any less of an American.”

—Pete Seeger, 1955, during U.S. Congressional hearing about communist and un-american activities, as reported in AP story about his death.

Pete Seeger died in his sleep last night six months after his wife passed.