Annette Kovar’s birthday

Kim’s mom, Annette, was treated to brunch at Churrascos and a(n almost) surprise gathering of her sisters and family afterward.

Self portrait, Kim and I, outside Churrascos in Sugar Land
Annette, Mac, Kathy and William. Aunt Mac made the red velvet cake and let us keep a good quarter of it.
Grandpa Steve and William, who is three months.

See more photos in the Picasa album, Annette Kovar’s Birthday 2012. There’s a video, too.

My own sauce

The Tabasco peppers are the really tiny orange and red ones.

I removed about 12 Tabasco pepper plants from the beds today. I’m just never going to get around to making my own sauce. And the damn things are too hot to eat otherwise. I’m really looking forward to filling those beds with something I can eat, or something that looks better than a bunch of half frost-bitten Tabasco pepper plants.