Author: Brandon Moeller
Bored to death to death
HBO cancelled my favorite show on HBO, Bored to Death, which is just as well because I don’t have HBO and it was tiresome seeing something without a cord.
I think the third season sucked. My theory, despite the evidence, is that it was intentional. Suicide by bad plot lines and character arcs; also, way too many damn guest stars. It’s as if Jonathan Ames wanted to go out on his own terms, or, drive his own damn nails in the series’ coffin.
I mean, really: Sperm bank fire? Elder love? Locavore restaurateur rivalry? Alcoholic relapses involving plushies? Incest?
All, too much, I say.
It was great a run. I loved seeing Ted Danson, Jason Schwartzman, Zach Galifianakis, Oliver Platt and John Hodgman perform in an off-beat comedy based in Brooklyn.
And even though its final season sucked — I knew the show was cancelled before I started the third season — I would have kept watching the damn thing because at its worst, it was still better than the predictable drivel that passes as comedy elsewhere on the tube.
After the party
There are two parking lots that serve as a carpool meetup, right next to US 59, just outside of Rosenberg.
But on New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July, the commuter lots become a place for the community to come together and — burn ban or not — litter the ground with thousands of firecracker casings and other remnants of an apparent good time.

By the looks of it, this sort of thing is tolerated in this unincorporated portion of Fort Bend County. The location of the lots mean the celebrants’ explosions can be seen from the highway and throughout the surrounding area.

New beginning
Bring it on

I tried to take photos of the Kovars’ dog, Sadie, on Christmas Eve, but she wouldn’t sit still or my flash wouldn’t fire on my phone, or any other number of excuses for the quality of this photograph.
So, I took the photo, imported it into Sketchbook Mobile for Android, and boom!: I had something to do while I waited for the Mazda to get an oil change and a new motor mount this morning. Uh. I guess that’s what was causing the rattling noise that shook the whole dashboard and sometimes caused the CD player to skip. Who knew? I hate cars.