Today, an article I wrote appeared on the East End neighborhood news section of the Houston Chronicle’s website.
For the article, I interviewed Tonja Jones, the UH alumni director of a project that benefits local schoolchildren.

This story was part of our ongoing series titled “7 Questions,” where we interviewed local leaders and wrote a story for the website that we advertised in the print edition.
Here is the first four graphs of the story:
Every year, Houstonians have the opportunity to make a difference in a young person’s life by donating to a project called Operation School Supplies.
We chatted with Tonja Jones, Vice President for Alumni and Student Programs at the Houston Alumni Organization who also organized the annual drive. For more information, please visit
Q. Can a pencil change the world?
A. I believe in the concept of each life affecting another. Everybody’s affected by people who have the things they need to succeed. The project only serves the youngest students, K-5th grade. But it’s a building block. You have to build from the basic time of their lives. Having self confidence starts from a very small age.