Bugs for babies

Carnation! Last year, I bought some carnation seeds in the spring and tried to get them going one of the flowerbeds ... to no avail. But the one I kept in a container had its first big bloom today.
Carnation! Last year, I bought some carnation seeds in the spring and tried to get them going one of the flowerbeds ... to no avail. But the one I kept in a container had its first big bloom today.
The cardinal vine began blooming a couple of weeks ago.
The cardinal vine began blooming a couple of weeks ago.
The pink hibiscus opened for the first time this season today.
The pink hibiscus opened for the first time this season today.
The pink and white gerbera daisy.
The pink and white gerbera daisy.
I love this photo.
I love this photo.
There's a mockingbird nest in our tree in the backyard. Here's a photo of the two parents, waiting until I'm not looking, so they can go and feed the babies. Bugs.

See more photos in the Gardening 2012 album.


The cosmos have started to bloom. But was this the red crest cosmos from Baker Creek, or the two different varieties of yellow-orange cosmos from different companies purchased last year? Once I plant the seedlings in the beds, I'm not usually obsessed with keeping them labeled, thus this happens.
The front yard Betty Prior rose.
The front yard Betty Prior rose.
The better bush burpee tomato is starting to fruit. It's the only tomato I'm growing this year. In a container.
The better bush burpee tomato is starting to fruit. It's the only tomato I'm growing this year. In a container.
The convolvulus returns for a second season. I need to learn how to save this seed.

Yellow miniature rose

The yellow miniature rose bloomed again. It was one of those grocery store roses that Kim bought for me, I believe for Valentine's Day. It struggled indoors, so I potted it up and put it out.
The yellow miniature rose bloomed again. It was one of those grocery store roses that Kim bought for me, I believe for Valentine's Day. It struggled indoors, so I potted it up and put it out.
Red petunias in the front yard
Kim's yellow rose.
Also in the front yard. What is this called? I need to chop down an invasive bush-tree that is overshadowing this flowering-grass-like-plant.

Corina’s 8th birthday party

We celebrated Corina’s eighth birthday this weekend with a small party with family.

We had a lot of fun!

We had cupcakes from Evil Empire Bakery!

Everyone loved the spring chick cupcakes
Corina got a lot of new toys to play with, including this bracelet making kit I got her.
Later, after everyone left, I made Corina take this photo outside with three blooming angel's trumpets. They bloom at night, and she also wanted to play with her glow wand.

See all the photos in the Corina’s Birthday Party 2012 photo album.