Photos taken May 11, 2011.
Author: Brandon Moeller
If it didn’t set, it couldn’t rise.
Buddy Press is go
Today, I downloaded BuddyPress ( ) and spent a good chunk of the day trying to apply it to my existing theme on this website. I wasn’t very successful, but I learned a lot about BuddyPress in the process. Then, I found a page in the instructions that I should have read first that explained how to install it in a secondary site so that it does not affect your primary site.
Ten minutes later, I had BuddyPress up and running with its default theme on my server here:
Feel free to register as a new user and take the system out for a spin, and be sure to kick the tires.
O hai!
Night Heron
I got a bunch of postcards from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, during one of my summer vacations.
Going away
My colleagues at the University of Houston chipped in and got me this orchid as a going-away gift.
It was sad to leave such great friends who I learned so much from – but I believe change is a necessary force in skill development.
We’ll stay in touch!