Google Wave won’t replace newspapers

Here’s a comment I just posted on the Buzz Machine’s story about Google Wave.

Don’t know what Google Wave is? Check out a video of the Google team announcing it at some geek conference.

Here’s my comment:

This could replace Facebook – it allows for better communication with more ability to import/export stuff for users who are focused on what matters to them: The people they know.

It won’t replace news gathering … and I don’t think that’s its intention at all.

However, though it appears to be 10X more powerful than facebook and 20X more powerful than standard e-mail alone, the question arises: Can it draw the audience that MySpace, Twitter and Facebook has?

The great thing about the other three social networks I just mentioned are that if you join, it’s not long before old friends and acquaintances start finding you. The more you friend, the more you find/find you. It grows and grows.

I wonder how one would search Google Wave for their peeps?

Event flyers designed for Center for Immigration Research

I designed this flyer for the Center for Immigration Research, to promote an event involving two visiting professors.

Are immigrants good Americans?
An event flyer for the Center for Immigration Research.

I worked with the visitors and staff from their universities to acquire images that I could use in the flyer.

Then, in November 2010, another visitor came and I designed a similar flyer to promote the event.

Enemy Women (And Men)
Another event flyer for the Center for Immigration Research.

College Portrait website

Today, we delivered the College Portrait website that I designed to UH.

The College Portrait website is a project that UH requested from our office in an unusually short time frame — two weeks to be exact. I was assigned the project because I was up to the challenge, and wanted to try my hand at another project that allowed me to design something outside of our college template.

UH page
UH's page that links to the website I designed.

UH was participating in a national initiative called that provides information to prospective students about higher education institutions, and UH wanted its page to link to a specially designed website that gave other information about UH, without overwhelming the prospective student with the complicated process of applying to a major research institution.

College Portrait site
The UH College Portrait website I designed.

Prospective students who visit UH’s page on the page, can click on buttons that take them to the College Portrait website I created that is on the domain with the university’s official header and footer. Once on the website I created, students can find basic information about the nine basic aspects of UH that it wanted to promote on its page. From each of these nine pages, students can click through photographs of actual UH students, faculty and staff to find out even more information.

The website I designed was delivered to UH on March 31, 2009.

June 26, 2011 update: Earlier this month, I noticed that the College Portrait website I designed for the university is no longer online, even though the College Portraits website still points to it. I have altered the links of this post to point to an archived version of the website served from my own server for my own portfolio purposes. My cousin Melissa’s wedding

My cousin’s getting married, so that means I’ve been tapped as the photographer, and my only condition was that I can use the photos on a Web site in an effort to tap into the lucrative wedding business.

By working for free. Go figure. … tell me what you think.

Here are a few of my favorite shots:

Melissa and Tim get married

Melissa and Tim get married

Melissa and Tim get married