A few Sundays ago we went to my uncle’s house for a family birthday party. We celebrated a lot of birthdays.
Five. Could have been more if more people showed up. Those people will remain nameless, but they know who they are.
Two of the five people were Donna Novak and Melissa Jones. Donna is my cousin Steve’s wife. Melissa is her oldest daughter.
In February, Donna’s mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. I never got to know her very well, but I did know she was a great cook and a longtime busdriver for the Magnolia Independent School District.
A scholarship was created in her honor after her passing, and word is a Magnolia student’s college burden was gratefully lighter.
Anyway, so, for their birthday gift, Donna and Melissa received a 5×7 frame with a print of some photo art I worked up for them. From recent photos I had taken at Melissa’s November wedding.

I share these photos here not only to show off my skills in Photoshop, but also as a way to honor the Chaneys who mean so much to people who mean so much to me.