Author: Brandon Moeller
New to bloom: Caldwell Pink and Indian Princess
The Caldwell Pink rose and the Indian Princess hibiscus bloomed this week, for the first time after, uh, I guess I can call it Winter.
You can also see the first time the Indian Princess ever bloomed, back in 2010. It was a selection I took home after attending a Space City Hibiscus club show earlier that year.
It’s the fifth week in the garden, and I’ve added photos to the Gardening 2012 album. This week, I transplanted from seedling trays on the porch the following varieties into the garden: Redcrest cosmos, other cosmos from last year, lilac zinnias, lavender zinnias, craig’s grande jalapeno peppers, pepperoncini peppers and chocolate peppers.
Here are some of my favorite shots.
Responsive RE/MAX of Texas newsletter debuts
Today, I sent the RE/MAX of Texas eNewsletter to the statewide real estate network using a new responsive template that I customized.
The eNewsletter now looks great on any device it is viewed on, in any email client, thanks to an open source template created by Sean Powell, The Engage Group that I found and customized for RE/MAX of Texas.
The template I developed is based on the HTML Email Boilerplate v. 0.5 which is based on many open source templates, particularly those created by MailChimp on GitHub.
The template was designed to incorporate many of the design elements that were used in the previous RE/MAX of Texas email newsletter template.
This new approach to email design for RE/MAX of Texas came two weeks after RE/MAX, LLC unveiled the new RE/MAX Mobile App suite for iPhone and Android at the RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas, as discussed in the previous newsletter issue.
Here are links to other individual eNewsletter issues that I am proud of:
- December 2012, Issue 2
- October 2012, Issue 2
- September 2012, Issue 1
- April 2012, Issue 1
I started my seeds on Feb. 22. So, this is the fourth week in the garden. It’s also the fourth (spring) season I’ve been doing this.
Last year, I didn’t blog the garden much. In 2011, I only wrote 10 posts that were categorized as “Gardening.”
In 2010, I wrote at least one post a week, usually highlighting the photos I took of the garden on a weekly basis, usually on Sunday.
Last year, I also took photos just about every week, shared them all on Picasa (which feeds to my photos page on this site) and uploaded the same shot of every flower bed section to Facebook in a timelapse-style album.
In 2009, I didn’t blog regularly or take regular photos. I started one little bed that year, and every year but this year I expanded that bed until it stretched across the entire back yard. If it weren’t for Marshall coming in May, I would have found a new spot for a new bed this year. Next year, definitely. I need more room!
So, as you can see — I’ve done something different every year with my garden documentation efforts. See the Gardening 2009, Gardening 2010, Gardening 2011 and Gardening 2012 albums.
This year, I’m going to blog whenever I feel like it. Consistency is overrated, when you’re still finding your way. Today, I felt like getting out there and shooting everything. Five of my favorite photos are below, the rest were uploaded to Picasa and can be seen in the Gardening 2012 album (link above).
See the petunias from last year.
Return of the frog in my shoe
Yesterday, I mowed the lawn. Today I edged. Both days, I found a frog in my shoe.
I keep the shoes outside because I only use them when I mow the lawn.
This happened before. Time and time and time and time again. Oddly, I have no photos of frogs in my online Gardening 2011 album. Maybe it was too damn hot or I just didn’t see any frogs.
Sprouting right along
Today it rained all day. But that didn’t stop me. I repotted a few zinnia seedlings that were growing two to three to a little pot. And I looked at all the seedling trays and added new seeds where nothing shot up (or is about to break through the soil).
Over the last few days, the following seeds have sprouted – basically in this order:
Basil (from an “organic” Burpee seed packed I bought at Lowe’s last year), phlox, pepperoncini peppers, Renee’s Garden catmint ordered last year and lavender (from Botanical Interests seed packet purchased at Enchanted Forest last year).
At this point, only three varieties of seed I bought new for this season haven’t fully germinated yet. I did pick around in the soil today, and everything in this list below is on its way up — except the lobelia. Sigh — it was the one I was most looking forward to.
- Sweet chocolate peppers
- Kaleidoscope mix peppers
- Fan blue lobelia
Stay tuned.